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Your database is not a "computer"

The relational database; it’s been a staple of any digital enterprise since the 1960s. Together with the relational model introduced in the 1970s, it has reigned supreme for 40 years. However, in the ...

A successful DataOps implementation - part 2

This the last one of our blog series: becoming data-driven is not just an IT responsibility. In the previous blog, we gave you some practical tips on how to write your successful DataOps implementatio...

A successful DataOps implementation - part 1

This blog is part four of our blog series: becoming data-driven is not just an IT responsibility. We have already set the data strategy and mapped out our existing and required data sources & proc...

Let your data & processes work for you

This blog post is part three of our blog series: becoming data-driven is not just an IT responsibility. We have set a data strategy based upon the company objectives, and we mapped out our existing da...

Smart vs. Big Data

When you look for business data, you often find terms like big and smart data. But what is now the difference between these two? Continue reading to find out more.

How to map your current data and processes?

Now that your data strategy is written down and supported by the leadership team and stakeholders, it's time for the next step in becoming a data-driven company: mapping your current data and processe...

Becoming data-driven is not just an IT responsibility

A study of NTT has showed that a lot of digital transformation projects do not succeed because all responsibility is put with the IT team, creating a gap between them and the other teams of the compan...

How to write a data strategy?

When you've decided to do something with your data, the first action you need to do is think everything through and work out a data strategy for the long term. In this blog post, we'll give you some e...

You wouldn’t eat soup with a fork, would you? - polyglot persistence

You’re back! This is part 2 of a blog series about polyglot persistence. If that word doesn’t ring a bell, I highly recommend checking out part 1 here to get started. In this blog, we’ll dive deeper i...

You wouldn't eat soup with a fork, would you? - NoSQL & SQL databases

You wouldn’t eat soup with a fork, now would you? Why? Because it isn’t the right tool for the job. You might get some soup in your mouth from time to time, but in general, it’s not an efficient way t...

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