Tengu's Blog

How to choose the best data solution for your company?

Written by Daphné De Troch | 3-mei-2019 9:14:54

You want to get data to the right people. You've been looking into several Data(Ops) tools, platforms and interfaces. But there are so many available, how to decide upon which one is the right one for your company?

Questions you should ask before choosing

There is no one-size-fits-all solution available. Ask yourself the below questions before making a final decision on the best one.

  1. What are your business needs and objectives? Does this tool enable the users to meet these?
  2. How is your data organised now? How easy is it with this solution to access your data? Is the data easily accessible for all users? Is there a balance between data accessibility and protection?
  3. Who is going to be using or should have access to your data?
  4. Does the product promote collaboration between the users? How will they collaborate? How can you share your insights with other stakeholders?
  5. How will the product create a shared understanding within your company? Does everyone have the context to understand how they should use the data? Can they know what's behind each piece of data in a report, track back the data sources, how it was calculated, and much more?
  6. How will people use the generated/processed data to make decisions? What are your data output expectations? Do you want to put in place a data-driven culture? Or do you want some automated reports & dashboards for the smarketing & leadership team?
  7. What skillset is required to use the data solution? Is it too complex for some users? Will technical and/or non-technical users use it?
  8. How easily can the product scale? Is this required? How easily can you create and update data sources, models, scripts, reports, dashboards, shared metrics, and more?
  9. Does it meet the specific needs of your users? How easily can users find and change data? How easily can this tool integrate with other tools? Do your users need real-time data views? Do you get accurate data insights?

A summary

It would be best to have a data strategy to find the best data solution meeting your companies' unique needs. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. To get a clear understanding of your busines needs to ask yourself these questions:

  • Who will be using the data?
  • How will they use the data to make data-driven decisions?
  • How will the solution create a shared understanding within my organisation?
  • How will it promote collaboration among all users?

Once you’ve answered these, you’re ready to make a final decision on the best data solution. Otherwise, you’re likely to end up with one that does not empower your company to meet the business objectives in the end.

What data solutions does Tengu offer?

Tengu enables companies to:

  • Create a customised and centralised DataOps Interface to ensure a common organisation-wide understanding and collaboration.
  • Make the right data accessible for the right people.
  • Allow data teams to monitor, scale and package up the data and insights for broader use.
  • Integrate with preferred data environments, applications and tools within Tengu.

Tengu helps companies navigate the complexity of building and operating a data-driven business.

For companies ready to improve or expand their use of data, Tengu provides the first data training wheels to become a data professional at full speed.

Source: CITO Research

CITO Research is a source of news, analysis, research and knowledge for CIOs, CTOs and other IT and business professionals. CITO Research engages with its audience to capture technology trends harvested, analysed and communicated in a sophisticated way to help practitioners solve challenging business problems. https://www.citoresearch.com